Wednesday, April 30, 2014

In Quietness & Confidence is your Strength

Isaiah chapters 30 , 31 and 32 talks about a rebellious nation , always complaining about God and ignoring the truth spoken through the prophets. A nation that only relied on what they saw , trusting the Egyptians for their cavalry and chariots instead of looking towards God their creator

The Lord's reply to them is to allow calamity and destruction to come upon them because they despise Him. God makes it known to them that if they ignore him and try and build a wall between them and their creator, He will make a bigger noise about it because He truly does care for us His children, the Sovereign Lord says in Isaiah 30:15, "Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved. In QUIETNESS & CONFIDENCE is your STRENGTH". You may ask, but why calamity and destruction, it's not only because of their ignorance but also because the Lord wants us to acknowledge that without Him we can do nothing, we must return to Him , so that He can show us His love and compassion, for the Lord is a faithful God (Isaiah 30:18). He says in Isaiah 31:6, "....though you are wicked rebels, come and return to the Lord."

All of us have gone through troubled times in our lives when we do not understand why such and such a situation is happening to us, we begin to doubt God for who He is and begin to trust our own instincts and abilities to get us out of this mess. But God says be Quiet, be Confident why? Because when we are quiet we can reflect on how God has led us in the past, we are reminded of God's faithfulness through many tough situations in the past which gives us Confidence in Him , Confidence in why we believe, which ultimately gives us Strength to face the situation ahead of us.

How true this is, for if we complain about our problems each and every time we go through them, we are only hurting ourselves. There have been many disappointments and heartbreaks in my life and I have found that in the Quietness of God's presence in reading His Word and in time spent in Prayer is what keeps me going. It is the essence of Strength for a Believer & follower of Christ Jesus. God bless !